Friday, July 6, 2007

Colombians Vote Against the FARC

From our friends at Venezuela News & Views:
Colombia fights back, and it is only starting
There was an election today in Colombia and the FARC lost by landslide. In every major city of Colombia hundreds thousands of people, all in white shirts went out to demand that the FARC stops violence, that it surrenders the bodies of the 11 provincial legislators who had been held as hostages for FIVE years and who were killed by the FARC. The FARC tried to pin the deaths on a military operation but so far it seems that there is only the FARC to be blamed for these deaths. It is known that the FARC hostage guards have orders to kill the hostages if they try to escape or if some authority were to stand a chance to free them.


Bugged Out said...

I could not find an appropriate place to comment on your Presidential survey on the sidebar so here goes...

Why on earth did you, the Republican National Hispanic Assembly, leave out Bill Richardson, a Hispanic Republican, out of the many, many names listed in your poll?

I don't believe your organization is too stupid to have made a blunder of this magnitude, so I'd like to know why you intentionally left Richardson's name out.

Republican Hispanic said...

The reason we left out Bill Richardson is becuase he is a Democrat.

I think you should learn more about the New Mexico Governor. He was chairman of the 2004 Democratic National Convention as well as Chairman of the Democratic Governors Association in 2005 and 2006.

While we at the RNHA are happy to see Hispanics run for public office, we support and endorse the principles of the GOP. Mr. Richardson's views are not reflective of the views of our organization or its members.