Wednesday, July 11, 2007

La Raza Reeves Up Voter Registration Drive

This is a busy month for many Hispanic advocates (many from the other side) NCLR (aka La Raza) is having their convention in Miami, Florida and LULAC will be having their convention in Chicago, IL later this month.

Tuesday in Miami, Janet Murguía, NCLR's President, announced the launching of Ya Es Hora ¡Ciudadanía! (Now is the time, citizenship) campaign at a news conference in downtown Miami's Freedom Tower. The program has several sponsors, including Univision, the Spanish Language Network. NCLR hopes to register 6 million new Hispanic voters in time for the primary and elections.

According the the Palm Beach Post:

"If we learned anything from the recent immigration reform debate, we need to show our political muscle," Murguía said.

The voter drive focuses on 11 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, North Carolina and Texas.


Anonymous said...

Why aren't republicans wooing the Hispanic vote as well? Why haven't they signed up with too? Why aren't they doing New Citizen and Voter registration drives? Are you preparing for the Big Whine and Big Complaint drives?

Anonymous said...

wonderful post, thank you.