Tuesday, July 3, 2007

GOP -- So many missed opportunities

The GOP moved up the Nevada primary to January to compete with the Democrats and show the party's strength in the West. The problem is they have NOTHING else then moving the date. According to a recent AP article, GOP Presidential hopefuls are almost non-existent in the state... A sobering reality for the thousands of Hispanic Republican grassroots activists in the West....

The article states

One reason is that Nevada Democrats, who made the first move to the January date last summer, have aggressively promoted the contest, billing the caucus as a test of their candidates' viability in the West and using it to highlight the strength of labor and an emerging Hispanic vote. The party adopted the slogan "Winning the West," hired a team of media consultants and held an early televised candidate forums to christen the new caucus.

The Nevada GOP, meanwhile, hasn't issued a single news release mentioning its contest since the vote was made official April 1. A "Campaign 08 Calendar" on the party's Web site lists no events. A GOP straw poll held in the state capital two weeks ago went undetected, not just by most media outlets in the state, but also by the candidates' nascent Nevada operations.

Presidential politicking may be going full throttle in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, but Nevada's Republican territory is a virtual campaign-free zone.

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