Thursday, July 12, 2007

One Young Boys Personal Story as An Illegal Immigrant

While immigration may not be an issue in Congress, it still is a hot topic all across the public.

Rumors state that immigration reform may come in parts, with Congress taking up issue by issue in lieu of comprehensive reform. One such issue is the Dream Act.

Listen to this boy's thoughts on the Dream Act.

Hispanic Republicans Celebrate 33 Years

Today the RNHA celebrates its 33rd Anniversary. On this day in 1974, Republican National Committee Chairman, George H.W. Bush, created the RNHA.

“Today, the Republican National Hispanic Assembly proudly celebrates is anniversary and rich history of Hispanic involved in politics,’ said Chairman Pedro Celis. “Much like our first chairman, Ben Fernandez, who was the first Hispanic to run for U.S. President, our members will continue making strides in politics.”

To send your “Happy Birthday” and we will post them on our web page and blog.

For more information, about GOP history visit Grand Old Partisan

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

La Raza Reeves Up Voter Registration Drive

This is a busy month for many Hispanic advocates (many from the other side) NCLR (aka La Raza) is having their convention in Miami, Florida and LULAC will be having their convention in Chicago, IL later this month.

Tuesday in Miami, Janet Murguía, NCLR's President, announced the launching of Ya Es Hora ¡Ciudadanía! (Now is the time, citizenship) campaign at a news conference in downtown Miami's Freedom Tower. The program has several sponsors, including Univision, the Spanish Language Network. NCLR hopes to register 6 million new Hispanic voters in time for the primary and elections.

According the the Palm Beach Post:

"If we learned anything from the recent immigration reform debate, we need to show our political muscle," Murguía said.

The voter drive focuses on 11 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, North Carolina and Texas.

More Bad News for McCain

More bad news from the Hispanic friendly Senator from Arizona. According to CNN the campaign will have to let go about 10 more senior staffers.

Though things seem bleak I wouldn't count him out just yet. .. Look at Dean, at one point the shinning star of the party, in a brief second it was all pulled away..... but the reality is it will be almost impossible for him to raise money

Campaign spokesperson Danny Diaz expressed confidence that today's shakeup will not affect outside the beltway voters. Diaz: "Senator McCain is the most prepared and best equipped candidate to move the country forward. He will continue to address the important issues confronting the American people and lay out a plan for keeping America safe and prosperous."

RNHA Convention Biggest Turn Out with GOP Candidates

The Republican National Hispanic Assembly's convention is only days away. As of today, two GOP presidential candidates have confirmed their attendance with three more likely on the way.

If all goes as planned the RNHA National Convention will be the Hispanic Event with the most GOP candidates.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Live Earth Vs. Soccer... Soccer Wins!

Al Gore's Live Earth concerts, whose purpose was to raise environmental awareness, didn't shake up the masses as was hoped by the former Vice President. In fact, it didn't even shake up TV ratings.

According to Nielson Media, more people watched the Copa America soccer match between Argentina and Peru on Univision, than Live Earth on NBC (roughly 2.75 million). Copa America, is the main football competition for the South American football confederation. It is the oldest international tournament in the world starting in 1916.

And while many touted the concert as strictly non-political, saying environmentalism doesn't belong to a party, I guess no one told rocker Melissa Ethridge, who went into a political tirade against Bush. She even unveiled a new anti-Bush, pro-Cindy Sheehan song. (check out the article on NRO). Some have regarded Live Earth as a failure for its lack of unified message. Each rocker commented on something from recycle, to ethanol, to reducing the use of water, but there wasn't one concrete message that a viewer could walk away with knowing that this was their action item.

Some concert goers were just upset Gore didn't announce his candidacy... but who really want to see that anyway.....

McCain in Trouble

The McCain camp is in even more trouble...

breaking news from

John McCain's campaign manager and top strategist announce they are leaving the campaign, only a week after disappointing fundraising figures led to across-the-board staff cuts.
Full story:

Friday, July 6, 2007

Colombians Vote Against the FARC

From our friends at Venezuela News & Views:
Colombia fights back, and it is only starting
There was an election today in Colombia and the FARC lost by landslide. In every major city of Colombia hundreds thousands of people, all in white shirts went out to demand that the FARC stops violence, that it surrenders the bodies of the 11 provincial legislators who had been held as hostages for FIVE years and who were killed by the FARC. The FARC tried to pin the deaths on a military operation but so far it seems that there is only the FARC to be blamed for these deaths. It is known that the FARC hostage guards have orders to kill the hostages if they try to escape or if some authority were to stand a chance to free them.

Ron Paul Over McCain?

Ron Paul, who was seen by most as a LONG SHOT for the Republican nomination, apparently has more cash on hand than McCain.

Ron Paul has experienced significant support on the internet, with a rather large virtual following. He reported to have $2.4 million cash on hand, compared to John McCain's $2 million.

Venezula and Cuba

Yesterday Venezuela celebrated its birthday. So much for freedom in Venezuela. With each day Chavez takes away another freedom from the people of Venezuela. The country is moving in the direction of Cuba.

For those who still confused about Fidel and Che... here is something for your viewing pleasure brought to you by babalu blog to the music of the Police.

Hispanic Republican Garza won't run for Governor

Tony Garza, a super star in the Hispanic Republican world, announced today he will not run for Texas Governor.

Garza, who is currently the U.S. ambassador to Mexico, became the first Hispanic Republican to win a statewide election in Texas when he won a seat on the three-member Railroad Commission in 1988.

In the past he has served as Texas secretary of state under Bush. Garza, a close friend of President Bush, was the first Republican county judge of Cameron County in modern times.

According to the Star-Telegram:
Political analyst Harvey Kronberg, editor of the online Quorum Report in Austin, said Garza's decision to forgo a return to the political arena could be a blow for the GOP's effort to present itself as a party of diversity.

"Garza has been widely seen as the most likely Hispanic to be the first to lead a statewide [Republican] ticket," Kronberg said. "I don't think there's anybody else standing in the wings."

Among those who might seek the Texas Governorship are Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, former U.S. Commerce Secretary Don Evans, and possibly Gov. Rick Perry might want a third term.

Happy Birthday Mr. President

Today is President George W. Bush's birthday!

Wish him a very happy birthday! I know he is probably shaking is "bom bom" at the White House.... Today he turns 61 years old.

Yesterday I saw him doing a little pre-birthday celebration at RKF stadium at the National's baseball game, as the Nats played the Cubs. Bush, a former part owner of the Texas Rangers, is a big baseball fan. We are sure he had a great time as he scarfed down some hot dog and hung out with his parents.

Happy Birthday Mr. President. Hope you good health, you'll need it now with the Dems in control of congress.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Bloomberg a GOP Spoiler

According to a new poll if NYC Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, entered the race with Rudy GOP Giuliani and Democrat Sen. Hillary Clinton running as the candidate for their perspective parties, Giuliani is the one that comes out hurting..

A Quinnipiac University poll in AP stated:


Rudy Giuliani, 47 percent

Hillary Clinton, 44 percent



Rudy Giuliani, 36 percent

Hillary Clinton, 36 percent

Michael Bloomberg, 18 percent


Immigrants No More

Thousands of legal immigrants are becoming American citizens. According to new reports, there has been an increase of about 80% from last year. Many immigrants say they are finally doing the step because of the immigration debate.

Telling the New York Times, Angel Ivan Alvarez, a 24-year-old legal immigrant from Mexico stated:

“I realized that I want to be able to vote and speak up for my people because they are not getting enough support. I want everybody to be able to come out of the shadows.” said Alvarez.

There has been a national push by Spanish media to get legal residents to become citizens, including Univision. In addition many legal immigrants were motivated by the new increase in fees, trying to become a citizen before a 69% increase in price.

Currently the RNHA of Washington State holds citizenship classes to help legal immigrants become US citizens.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Salute to America

Happy Fourth of July America!

Today we celebrate our nation's independence. We also honor our good fortune's on being American's and living in the best country on this planet.

Many times we forget how luck we are to be living in America, the land of plenty, the land of freedom and the land of independent thought.

Today we salute the men and women who have made this country the glorious nation it is today. God bless America. God bless American freedom.

Here is a picture of Monticello, the home of the great American patriot Thomas Jefferson, our third President.

His vision and leadership help engineer the modern American thought and political system. He will be forever be known as the author of the deceleration of independence and the framework for our bill of rights. (I recently went on a trip and it was breathtaking.)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

More Sicko Reallity

From our friends at Babalu Blog:

These people are very sick indeed. Patients in Cuba's much lauded health care system.

CAUTION, graphic pictures.

Hype Vs. Reality: The GOP Hispanic Vote

All of us in the Hispanic Republican world are trying to figure out what are the long term implications the immigration debate will have on Hispanic American voters.

According to the Pew Hispanic Center, in the last major election, 2004, Hispanics made up 14 percent of the U.S. population and 8 percent of registered voters, but only 6 percent of voters on Election Day.

Documentary film maker Neil H. Simon asks
"For all the hype around Hispanic voters, with the Democrats rearranging their calendar to put Hispanic-heavy Nevada right after the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, and Florida intending to hold its primary Jan. 29, Hispanics still have to meet the campaigns halfway to dispel any doubts about their growing clout. "
Then you have extreme right talk show host Rush Limbaugh who says Hispanics were never GOP voters.:
"How can we lose voters we never had? How can the Republican Party lose voters? This is a big myth, and the myth is being spread. It's designed to frighten you, but more than that, it's designed to frighten Republican elected officials so that when this comes up again -- and it will somewhere down the road -- that they do something about it, because the Democrats still don't benefit from this."
Limbaugh, and conservative talk radio, who are being blamed for the demise of the immigration bill, are trying to say that Hispanics will never be part of the GOP base.

Many of us in the Latino GOP know that Hispanics are Republicans, they just don't know it yet, as stated by Regan in 1979. Issues such as "traditional marriage, tax breaks for families and small business, school choice, military preparedness, the right to life, personal savings accounts, and faith-based social-service programs" all resonate with the Latino community. The GOP must continue focusing on its agenda and get the message out and prove the nay-sayers wrong.

History has taught us that if you target Hispanic constituencies and talk about the Republican platform, monumental gains are made. Read a little Richard Nadler for some historic perspective.

The Real Sicko

As Micheal Moore goes off and continues to do biased documentaries of his twisted view of the world, here is some light on the reality of the Cuban Health Care system.

Cuba may have a lot of Doctors but no medicine. So someone can tell you that you have a headache but can't give you an aspirin to fix the problem.

Clinton Continues to Court the Latino Vote

Hillary Clinton continues to try to win the Hispanic vote. Here is a press release distributed today.


Contact: Fabiola Rodríguez-Ciampoli, (703) 875-3408

Clinton Campaign Launches

Bilingual Social Networking Web Page

Effort Will Help Expand Outreach To Hispanic Voters

Hillary Clinton's campaign is making history today by launching a bilingual social networking page expanding on its efforts to reach Hispanic voters across the nation. The new website hosted by the online community builds on the campaign's efforts to engage these important voters and find new ways to continue her conversation with Americans throughout the country.

Clinton 's bilingual social networking effort is focused on maximizing her outreach to communicate directly with supporters by providing regular campaign updates, including information about the campaign activities and photos and video from events.

"Latino voters will play a key role in this election and my campaign is committed to reaching them in innovative ways," Clinton said. "This is an exciting initiative that will help us expand our outreach efforts."

To visit Hillary Clinton's website on go to:

Relevant Facts and Figures

  • 78% of Latinos who are English-dominant and 76% of bilingual Latinos use the Internet, compared with 32% of Spanish-dominant Hispanic adults.
  • 76% of U.S.-born Latinos go online, compared with 43% of those born outside the U.S.
  • 80% of second-generation Latinos, the sons and daughters of immigrants, and 71% of third generation Latinos go online.
  • 89% of Latinos who have a college degree, 70% of Latinos who completed high school, and 31% of Latinos who did not complete high school go online

Source: Pew Hispanic Center

GOP -- So many missed opportunities

The GOP moved up the Nevada primary to January to compete with the Democrats and show the party's strength in the West. The problem is they have NOTHING else then moving the date. According to a recent AP article, GOP Presidential hopefuls are almost non-existent in the state... A sobering reality for the thousands of Hispanic Republican grassroots activists in the West....

The article states

One reason is that Nevada Democrats, who made the first move to the January date last summer, have aggressively promoted the contest, billing the caucus as a test of their candidates' viability in the West and using it to highlight the strength of labor and an emerging Hispanic vote. The party adopted the slogan "Winning the West," hired a team of media consultants and held an early televised candidate forums to christen the new caucus.

The Nevada GOP, meanwhile, hasn't issued a single news release mentioning its contest since the vote was made official April 1. A "Campaign 08 Calendar" on the party's Web site lists no events. A GOP straw poll held in the state capital two weeks ago went undetected, not just by most media outlets in the state, but also by the candidates' nascent Nevada operations.

Presidential politicking may be going full throttle in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, but Nevada's Republican territory is a virtual campaign-free zone.

Campaign Update

Senator John McCain, who all thought would be the clear heir to the GOP Presidential thrown, is in big trouble. Reports state that he has to reduce his staff, those that stay on are getting a pay cut and he only has $2 million cash on hand.

McCain's Campaign Manager, Terry Nelson stated the campaign would refocus its efforts, and target primary states first (where everything is cheaper) and try to gain momentum that way.

It's unfortunate that his American hero, and a man with real principle, is having such a hard time running for President. We should point out that this time in the last election cycle, Kerry was trailing horribly and he still won the party's nomination.

Others on the campaign trail are not having as many problems.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Libby Pardoned

Today President Bush pardoned Scotter Libby.

Many wondered if he would do so as there were many political complications attached to a pardon.

If he pardoned Libby, who has been a dedicated servant to the President, he would be further tied to the case and accused of going back on his word. The President might loose more support.

If he didn't pardon Libby , many would see Bush as letting Libby take all the heat, and ruining his life, for something that wasn't entirely his fault. Clearly the President, at this point, has little too loose. He has always been a loyalist and now when his man is down, he wasn't going to let Libby sit in jail for years to come.

from Drudge:
Bush Spares Libby From Prison...
Grant of Executive Clemency...
Statement by President...
Fred Thompson: 'I am very happy for Scooter Libby'...
Statement From Libby's Attorney...
FLASHBACK: List of Clinton Pardons...

Sunday, July 1, 2007

And then....

Two stories in the New York Times discussing the failed immigration bill and the political implications of the policy. More news about the failed bill, hate the bill or love it, the negative implications it will have in the Latino community are apparent... not so much due to the legislation but the bad communication

After Bill’s Fall, G.O.P. May Pay in Latino Votes - New York Times
"The demise of the immigration bill may have damaged the party’s ability to
attract more Hispanic voters."

GOP's Standing With Hispanics Faces '08 Test in Wake of Immigration Debate - New York Times
President George W. Bush, and other Republicans who advocated the immigration
overhaul bill during a bitter Senate debate, warned that failure to pass the
measure would set back Republicans’ hopes ...

Fred Thompson In the Hot Seat with Cubans

During a rare "campaign" stop in South Carolina the "non-candidate" GOP Presidential candidate tried to assert his conservative credentials to southern voters. The former Tennessee Senator spoke on a variety of subjects, including taxes, iraq and made the horrible mistake of tying illegal immigration with Cuban exiles....

Here is the speech on You Tube:

Senator Hillary Clinton quickly attached Fred Thompson, stating:
"I was appalled when one of the people running for or about to run for the Republican nomination talked about Cuban refugees as potential terrorists," Clinton told Hispanic elected officials. "Apparently he doesn't have a lot of experience in Florida or anywhere else, and doesn't know a lot of Cuban-Americans."
Hillary has been the candidate, on either political side, to obtain the most Hispanic support. Clearly she capitalized on the opportunity to obtain extra brownie points in the Cuban community, where her husband is loathed because of Elian Gonzalez and the Wet Foot Dry Foot Policy.

Soon after the Clinton statement, Thompson posted on his campaign blog saying he had been referring to Cuban spies, not immigrants. "Our national security is too important an issue to let folks twist words around for a one-day headline," Thompson said in his post. "Cuban-Americans are among the staunchest opponents of illegal immigration, and especially so when it's sponsored by the Castro regime."

The gaffe by Thompson was a mistake, he must have misspoke, yet you must wonder, who if anyone, is counseling him on the diverse Hispanic community and the Cuban-American constituency.

Thompson, who has become a conservative blog regular, has a long history of being hard on Fidel Castro and supporting Cuban exiles. Earlier this year he had a virtual fight with Micheal Moore. Thompson was attacking Moore's Sicko, for its erroneous portrayal of the Cuban health care system.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Craig Romeny Discuss His Father's Campaign On Spanish Radio

Craig Romney, the son of Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, did some Spanish radio in Miami talking about his father.

Below is an audio link and transcript of a segment from Craig Romney’s interview today with Radio Mambi in Miami, FL.


CRAIG ROMNEY: Todos mis hermanos están muy animados para ayudar con esta campaña. Creemos que mi papá tiene la visión que necesita este país. Mi papá cree en tres cosas principales que pueden ayudar para el futuro y son bastantes sencillas. Él cree que debemos reforzar la familia, la economía, y los militares. Con estas tres cosas sencillas, podemos estar preparados para el futuro y para el éxito de este país.


CRAIG ROMNEY: All my brothers are very excited to be helping with this campaign. We believe my father has the vision this country needs. My father believes there are three key things that can help us in the future, things that are pretty simple. He believes we should strengthen the family, the economy and the military. By accomplishing these simple things, we will be better prepared for the future and for the success of this country.

Hispanics turning back to Democrats for 2008

The cover story of US Today: Hispanics turning back to Democrats for 2008

A sad reality is that immigration is working against the GOP with many in the Hispanic community, like it or not, agree with it or not, but the reality is that the Democrats are working 10 times harder to appeal to the Hispanic voter base, even though 9 times out of 10 the Hispanic agenda coincides with the Republican platform.

Universal Healthcare Up with GOP

According to The Hill's article, Poll shows many Republicans favor universal healthcare, gays in military.

the article states:
The poll, conducted by GOP consultant Tony Fabrizio 10 years after he conducted a similar study, also casts some doubts on the conventional wisdom about moral-issues voters, thought to be the key constituency for President Bush in 2004. It showed that the group hasn’t grown significantly in recent years and is surprisingly willing to vote for former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani despite his differences with it on social and moral issues.

The survey of 2,000 self-described Republican voters, titled “The Elephant Looks in the Mirror 10 Years Later,” showed that 71 percent consider themselves conservative, a 16 percent increase over the 1997 numbers.

Fifty-one percent of the GOPers said universal healthcare coverage should be a right of every American, and 49 percent favored allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military.

Those two issues continue to divide the party, though, with more than 40 percent opposed to both. Fabrizio emphasized that “the devil is in the details” on healthcare, and that providing a plan that pleases the entire 51 percent would be difficult.
The article also discuss Senator McCain's results in the poll

Immigraiton Update 2

The Senate Immigration Bill failed to pass a key vote, as many expected. The vote 46 to 53 in favor of limiting debate ( aka: not going forward with cloture and therefore eventually voting on the bill) was blocked from passage. Because of this, the Senate will probably not revisit immigration will next year when we are will into the 2008 election cycle.

The House will NOT take up this bill with out the Senate taking action first. So the waiting game starts again.

For more information read;

House Tries To Lift Cuban Embargo

From our friends at the Cuban Democracy PAC

For the first time in approximately a decade
, Flake, Delahunt, Rangel and Co. were unable to present any Cuba travel and embargo amendments to this year's Treasury Appropriations (now called Financial Services Appropriations) bill. This historic endeavour results from procedural obstacles, and the OVERWHELMING BIPARTISAN SUPPORT shown last week - despite strong pressure from Flake and Delahunt - for the Cuban opposition in the Foreign Ops Appropriations bill (by a vote of 254-170).

This is a truly historic endeavour, as these bills have been the SOLE VEHICLE for attempts to alter Cuba policy, and an unqualified message that we shall not rest until human rights, fundamental freedoms and democracy prevail for the Cuban people.

Immigraiton Update 1

Apparently the senate switch board has been shut down due to overwhelming calls, so please call you Senator Directly here are the phone numbers:

Immigration Update

Today is a crucial day for the Senate Immigration bill. Below find some talking points to help you with arguments, news from the Senate and some clips. Also please call your senators; here is a listing with phone numbers:

I know this is a complicated issue, and there are many different opinions. The RNHA stands firm in supporting comprehensive immigration reform. We clearly have issues with the Senate bill, but understand in a compromise you make, well compromises. Below is more information.

In the Senate

As of 9:30 am today the Senate convened and immediately resumed consideration of the bill. The cloture vote on the Immigration Bill will take place at any moment this morning. Remember it takes 60 votes to invoke cloture.

Yesterday there was significant action taken. The Senate conducted 6 roll call votes on divisions to the Reid amendment #1934. The tally of each division is below.

In all, action was taken in relation to the first seven divisions of the Reid amendment today. Division VII – Division XVII of Reid amendment #1934 are still pending.

Roll Call Votes (6)
Division I – Hutchison (early touchback) was tabled 53-45
Division II – Webb (Community ties/2003 cutoff for Z Visas) was tabled 79-18
Division III – Bond (no green cards for Z holders) was tabled 56-41
Division IV – Dodd (more green cards for parents) was tabled 56-41
(NOTE – Division V was withdrawn after Division IV was tabled)
Division VI – Menendez (additional family points) was tabled 55-40
Division VII – Baucus (strike Real ID) was not tabled 45-52 (fyi…Division VII is still pending)

In the news:

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Gonzo back to capitol hill....

Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez is going to testify on Capitol Hill ... AGAIN!!!

He is scheduled to appear in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman on July 26, but the date has yet to be officially confirmed.

According to the Politico's The Crypt, Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) states that this time around he will provide the Attorney General with some questions in advance , "so that he won’t dodge 60 or 70 times by saying, ‘I don’t remember,'" .... clearly a reference to what happened during the last Senate hearing.

Tancredo sends head of lettuce to Chertoff

WASHINGTON (CNN) — It’s not every day a presidential hopeful sends Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff a head of lettuce, but that’s what Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colorado, is doing Wednesday to show his disagreement with Chertoff’s recent comments on how failure of passing immigration reform might affect the agricultural industry.

Tancredo says he disagrees with recent comments Chertoff made that suggested if the immigration bill fails, the agricultural industry will suffer. To prove his point he is sending Chertoff a head of lettuce, a fruit basket, and a card saying, “much, much more where this comes from.”

“The administration has taken hyperbole to a whole new level this time,” Tancredo said in a statement. “They are now trying to convince the public that without amnesty, the American people are going to starve?”

“The agriculture industry and the free market has managed to keep producing through floods, droughts, and $3.00 per gallon gas,” Tancredo added, “I doubt very seriously that a nominal increase in labor costs is going to be the end of lettuce as we know it.”

In a July 14 speech before the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, Chertoff said, “Without reform that brings workers in legitimately, that makes it efficient for businesses, including agricultural businesses, to hire those workers efficiently, and without some kind of a mechanism to promote agriculture and to deal with the current illegal work force, we’re going to put people like you and those you represent in a terrible bind — they’re either going to have to break the law, which is a bad thing to do, or they’re going to have to shut down their farms, which is a bad thing to do, or what’s going to wind up happening is those farms are going to Mexico and Canada.”

– CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

President Bush on Immigration

President Bush has taken a incredible personal interest in immigration reform. Bush, a former Texas Governor, spoke at a briefing this morning at the White House calling the immigration bill in the Senate, " as a historic opportunity for Congress to act."
Reports state that 55 percent of American voters say the bill before Congress is not perfect, yet they prefer Congress to pass a bill that deals with illegal immigration and confronts the problem. Only 38 percent say it is better not to pass a bill at all, and just enforce the laws already on the books.
Get more information, view a comparison of the current law and the proposed Senate bill.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Immigration Update

This week the bipartisan immigration reform bill, S.1639, will return to the Senate floor this week.

The Senate will reconvene today at 1:00 pm and first take up HR 800, The Employee Free Choice Act (Card Check Bill). Tomorrow at 11:30 AM the Senate will have two stacked votes in relation to Card Check Bill and the Immigration Bill. The first vote will be cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.800, (the Card Check Bill) and the second vote will be cloture on the motion to proceed to S.1639, the Immigration Bill.

The immigration bill will take up the rest of the Senate week with 20-30 amendments covering a variety of issues, including a guest worker program and provisions of the DREAM Act -- for indocumented students to receive in-state college tuition in the states from which they graduated high school.

The Senate leadership says it expects to hold a cloture vote tomorrow Tuesday to close debate on the bill and move toward a vote on final passage later in the week, mostly likely on Thursday.

The President continues to push immigration reform, dedicating his weekly radio address to the issue. In addition, Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutiérrez participates today Monday at 2:15p Eastern time in an online Q & A session, "Ask the White House," where he will discuss the immigration reform bill. To participate, please visit:

Just a reminder that the Senate will be in recess next week over the 4th of July.

In the News:

Arnold says "English Only'?

Recently California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has come under mixed reaction from the Hispanic community. Speaking in front of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists annual conference in San Jose, the governor of California offered his own advice on how Latino students might improve their test scores, "You've got to turn off the Spanish television set," stated Schwarzenegger.
He suggested that Hispanic immigrants should stop watching Spanish language media and immerse themselves in English, just as he did when he arrived in the United States from Austria almost 40 years ago.

Full story at:

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hispanics in the military

Hispanics continue to have high enlistment numbers in the military, according to new reports from the Pentagon.

The number of Hispanics joining the military since the Afghanistan and Iraq wars began has grown slightly, while the number of blacks enlisting in the uniformed services has dropped. The trend varies throughout the different branches of military service, with more recruites getting involved in the Army and less serving in the Marines.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Immigration Update

Here is a quick update from Washington D.C. to let you know what is going on with immigration. As you know, the immigration bill has come back to life and Senator Reid will bring back the bill to the Senate floor as early as this week.

In interesting change is that both chambers are thinking of breaking up the bill into smaller parts, in two very distinctive ways.

a) In the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) will use a parliamentary procedure, nicknamed clay pigeon, which will eventually break up the bill and make Senators vote on each of the 22 proposals independently. (see article below for more information)

b) In the House, Democrats are saying they might break up the Senate immigration bill into a series of smaller bills. This might make it easier to pass issues like border security, high tech and agriculture worker programs but make it tougher to pass other issues such as what to do with the 12 million illegal workers in the U.S.

Employment Statistics

Here are some facts about unemployment among minorities you might find interesting.

Whites (3.9 percent)
Blacks (8.5 percent)
Hispanics(5.8 percent)

Source: Bureau of Labor Statisticsexternal link, May 2007

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Anti-immigration rhetoric will allinate GOP

From the politico Anti-immigration rhetoric will alienate GOP:

Xenophobic rhetoric dividing Republicans

Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado even suggested that increased legal immigration brought into question "our willingness to actually hold together as a nation or split apart into a lot of balkanized pieces."

The exception was Sen. John McCain of Arizona, whose aggressive defense of the fragile compromise has brought him only grief from his party's conservative base. The plan is not perfect, he noted, but "it's our job to do the hard things" like compromise.

Misleading characterizations of the bill in the presidential contest -- and on conservative talk shows and the Internet -- complicated the debate. The presidential candidates "are not helping it," Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) protested, even as he worked to add more hurdles to obtaining visas. "This bill is not an amnesty bill. Unfortunately, we are behind the eight ball because there are a lot of our folks who are saying that. That's a huge problem."

All this belies the GOP's stated efforts to court support among the 11 million Latinos who are likely to be registered voters next year, especially in delegate-rich states like California, New York, Florida and Texas.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Immigration Update

Senate Week ahead – June 11th

The Senate reconvenes today at 2:00 pm. At 5:30 this evening the Senate will vote on cloture on the motion to proceed to S.J. Res. 14, a resolution of no-confidence in Attorney General Gonzales.

If cloture is not invoked on the Gonzales resolution, then we will proceed to a vote on cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R. 6, the House passed Energy Bill. Keep in mind it is expected that the Energy Bill could be on the floor for up to two weeks.


"This Bill Is Alive And Well"
Bipartisan Immigration Reform Bill Is "The Right Thing For Our Country"

Sec. Gutierrez: "Our Country Needs This"

Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez: "This bill is alive and well, and we are more determined than ever to get it through … because this is the right thing for our country." "What happened is just a break, and you know, people want more debate. They want a little bit more time. We probably need a couple of days more, I understand from the Senators. But we are more determined than ever because this is the right thing for our country. We've got to get this through. The status quo is just unsustainable; it's dysfunctional." (CNN's "Late Edition," 6/10/07)

Snow: "We're Not Only Going To Get A Bill, But We're Going To Get A Better Bill"

White House Press Secretary Tony Snow: "Our sense is if Majority Leader Harry Reid brings it back up, which he should, and permits a full debate, which would follow what happened last year under similar circumstances, we're not only going to get a bill, but we're going to get a better bill." "The interesting thing … is sort of the core elements of the plan all have been approved by votes of 60 or more before the entire U.S. Senate. So I think what you do have is a situation now where people of good will – conservative, liberal, Democrat, Republican – want to go through, roll up their sleeves and finish up the business of taking a good, thorough look at the measure." (Fox's "Fox News Sunday," 6/10/07)

Sen. Kyl: "I Don't Think It's Amnesty"

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ): "Everyone has their own definition [of amnesty] … I think it is a dead-end debate." "We have tried to do as many things as we can to ensure that for those that get to stay, they pay a price, and I don't think it's amnesty. For those who say, 'This bill is amnesty, we shouldn't pass it,' one of my responses is, 'OK, so do you like what we have?'" (Collin Levy, "The 'Amnesty' Canard," The Wall Street Journal, 6/9/07)

· "One of the most overlooked provisions" is the electronic employee verification system. "The employee verification system is really the complement to the border. You can try to prevent people coming in, but there is a magnet of employment. Resourceful people can find ways to get here. So if you can shut off that magnet of illegal employment, that complements the work you are doing at the border. A lot of businesses just want to have a legal way of doing things … and the employer now has a way to make the law work."

Friday, June 8, 2007

Immigration Update

Last night Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) pulled the immigration bill after the second failed cloture voter (test vote). Senator Harry Reid said that he pulled the vote because it was taking too long and stated Republicans were delaying, asking for more time for amendments.

Republican Senator Cornyn (R-TX) stated he was disappointed in Majority Leader Reid for cutting debate on such an important bill. Many Republican amendments were not considered and needed to address 5-6.major concerns. They could have struck a deal on limiting amendments but Leader Reid cut debate due to the failed cloture vote, which 11 Democrat Senators voted for, as they too wanted more time to debate the bill.

Here are some news articles to better understand the issue: (Also see details below)


Ø Senate Immigration Bill Not Dead, but Not Moving, Either

Ø The Politics of Immigration (GREAT PIECE)

Ø Senate Immigration Collapses: Reflects Divide on What To Do With the 10-12 Mill Illegal

Below find the report from the Lanier Swann, the Policy Advisor for the Office of the Republican Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell. (thanks Lanier for all his hard work!)

Senate Immigration Update

Thursday the Senate conducted 4 roll call votes in relation to the Immigration Bill. After the failed cloture votes Thursday morning, Sen. Reid entered a motion to reconsider those votes. This procedure allowed Sen. Reid to bring the cloture vote back at any time and tonight we voted again on cloture on the Kennedy/Specter substitute amendment, which failed 45-50. Thursday evening after the 2nd failed cloture on the substitute amendment, Sen. Reid pulled the bill from the floor. The complete list of votes is below.

The Senate will be out of session on Friday. On Monday, the Senate returns and has two votes at 5:30 pm. The first vote will be on cloture on the motion to proceed to a resolution regarding the Attorney General and the second vote will be cloture on the motion to proceed to the Energy Bill.

Today’s Roll Call Votes

  • Coburn #1311 (enforcement) was defeated 42-54
  • Cloture on the Kennedy/Specter substitute amdt #1150 was defeated 33-63
  • Cloture on the underlying bill S.1348 was defeated 34-61
  • Cloture on the Kennedy/Specter substitute amdt #1150 was defeated 45-50

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Immigration Update

Today has been a huge day for immigration reform (and the debate continues). The bill almost died after a test vote failed earlier this morning in the Senate (see results below). All Republicans voted against cloture (test vote, remember you need 60 votes to get cloture). Republicans say their amendments are not being heard and do not want to rush through the bill. Leader Reid (D-NV) said he will try again today to have a test vote to move the bill forward.

The second test vote will occur any second now on the House floor. If this vote does not pass Majority Leader Reid will likely pull the bill and move on to other legislation. Republican Leader Mitch McConnell is very opposed the ending of the debate.

Some articles to help you understand what is going on:

I know a number of you are following the English language aspects of the Immigration Bill so I wanted to update you on two key votes that were passed:

  • Salazar amendment #1384 (enhance the role of the English language) was agreed to: 58-39
  • Inhofe amendment #1151 (English as an official language) was agreed to: 64-33

On Wednesday the Senate resumed consideration of the bill. At 11:00 am there will be 2 stacked votes. The first vote will be on Coburn #1311 (enforcement) and the second vote will be on cloture on the Kennedy/Specter substitute amendment #1150.

Amendments adopted by voice vote on Wednesday (4)

  • Lieberman #1191 (detention standards)
  • Thomas #1182 (Custom Patrol Officers)
  • Schumer #1272 (B-1 visa guidelines)
  • Hutchison #1415 (Social Security)

Roll Call Votes on Wednesday (16)

  • Kennedy #1333 (criminals) was agreed to 66-32
  • Cornyn #1184 (ciminals) was defeated 46-51
  • DeMint #1197 (health coverage for Z visa holders) was defeated 43-55
  • Bingaman #1267 (remove requirement Y-1 visa holders leave the US before they are able to renew their visa) was defeated 41-57
  • Cornyn #1250 (mandatory disclosure of information) was agreed to 57-39
  • Reid #1331 (earned income tax credit) was agreed to 57-40
  • Sessions #1234 (earned income tax credit) was agreed 56-41
  • Menendez #1194 (family backlog deadlines) was defeated 53-44 {needed 60 votes to pass}
  • Kyl #1460 (family backlogs) was agreed to 51-45
  • Clinton #1183 (reclassify spouses and minors) was defeated 44-53
  • Ensign #1374 (improve merit based system) was defeated 42-55
  • Salazar #1384 (English) was agreed to 58-39
  • Inhofe #1151 (English) was agreed to 64-33
  • Vitter #1339 (US Visit System) was defeated 48-49
  • Obama #1202 (date for termination of merit based system) was defeated 42-55
  • Dorgan # 1316 (sunset Y-1 visa program) was agreed to 49-48

Pending amendments (3)

  • Sessions #1235 (5 yr limitation on claiming earned income tax credit)
  • Dodd #1199 (green cards for parents of US Citizens)
  • Coburn #1311 (enforcement)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Immigration Update

Below is the latest update on the events occurring in the Senate with a wrap up of amendments passed and those likely to be considered.

Debate will resume early today. The bi-partisan bill is currently on shaky ground as Republicans feel their amendments are not being allowed, and Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (D-NV) is frustrated with the lengthy debate and might stall the issue in order to deal with other issues. You can watch the debate on CSPAN or live stream on line at

In the News:

Immigration Update from Republican Leader Mitch McConnell’s office….

There will four roll call votes on amendments on Tuesday. Two additional amendments were offered yesterday, one by DeMint and one by Bingaman, and they are currently pending. This leaves us with 11 pending amendments at this point.

Sen. Reid filed cloture on the Kennedy/Specter substitute amendment on Tuesday. Keep in mind cloture is a three day process (you file on the first day, have an intervening day on the second day, and vote to invoke cloture on the third day). Thus, the cloture vote on the Kennedy/Specter substitute will occur at a time to be determined on Thursday.

On Wednesday the Senate convenes at 9:30 am and immediately begins consideration of the Immigration Bill. There will be 2 hours of debate and then we will have 2 stacked roll call votes on the Kennedy amendment and the Cornyn amdt #1184 (criminals). Note the Kennedy amendment is an alternative to the Cornyn amendment and it will be introduced on Wednesday morning.

Tuesday’s roll call votes and the list of pending amendments are below.

Tuesday Roll Call Votes (4)

  • Allard #1189 (evaluation system for visas) was defeated 31-62
  • Durbin #1231 (ensuring employers make efforts to recruit American workers) was agreed to 71-22
  • McConnell #1170 (voter ID) was defeated 41-52
  • Feingold #1176 (study on treatment of WWII refugees) was agreed to 67-26

Amendments pending to the bill (11)
  • Cornyn #1184 (bar criminals, terrorist, and other criminals)
  • Sessions #1234 (limitation on claiming earned income tax credit)
  • Sessions #1235 (5 yr limitation on claiming earned income tax credit)
  • Dodd #1199 (green cards for parents of US citizens)
  • Menendez #1194 (family backlog deadlines)
  • Lieberman #1191 (asylum and detention standards)
  • Cornyn #1250 (mandatory disclosure of information)
  • Clinton #1183 (reclassification of spouses and children)
  • Obama #1202 (termination of merit based system)
  • DeMint #1197 (health care coverage for holders of Z nonimmigrant visas)
  • Bingaman #1267 (remove requirement that Y-1 visa holders leave the US before they are able to renew their visa)