Thursday, June 28, 2007

Craig Romeny Discuss His Father's Campaign On Spanish Radio

Craig Romney, the son of Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, did some Spanish radio in Miami talking about his father.

Below is an audio link and transcript of a segment from Craig Romney’s interview today with Radio Mambi in Miami, FL.


CRAIG ROMNEY: Todos mis hermanos están muy animados para ayudar con esta campaña. Creemos que mi papá tiene la visión que necesita este país. Mi papá cree en tres cosas principales que pueden ayudar para el futuro y son bastantes sencillas. Él cree que debemos reforzar la familia, la economía, y los militares. Con estas tres cosas sencillas, podemos estar preparados para el futuro y para el éxito de este país.


CRAIG ROMNEY: All my brothers are very excited to be helping with this campaign. We believe my father has the vision this country needs. My father believes there are three key things that can help us in the future, things that are pretty simple. He believes we should strengthen the family, the economy and the military. By accomplishing these simple things, we will be better prepared for the future and for the success of this country.

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