The article highlights the growing Hispanic populations of states like Illinois with the 10th largest Latino population in the country. the state has an estimated 1.8 million Hispanics, with 667,000 elgible Hispanic voters.
Congressional districts like the one of Rep. Dennis Hastert, former

The Speaker of the US House of Representatives whose district has the largest population of Hispanic eligible voters, close to 11%, outside of Chicago.Illinois chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly recently hosted the state's convention (pictured). At the event Rep. Hastert asserted that he knew in the near future a Hispanic would represent his district.
Latinos are not automatic Democrats, she cautioned. Whoever addresses Latinos' priorities from their perspective -- accessibility to health care, education and jobs -- "is going to win their support, Republican or Democrat," she said.The article states some political realties of the next election. "In the next presidential election in 2008, increased Latino voter registrations could result in 9.5 million Latino votes, a 1.9 million vote increase over 2004."
Members of the GOP leadership understand these realties, such as National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Cole (Okla.), a Native American whotstated, "You only lose when you refuse to engage."
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Good for people to know.
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