The run for the White House has officially begun. The Democrats had the early start showing off their candidates for the White House with the first Presidential Candidate debate in
South Carolina. (One of the states in the “Super Duper Tuesday” primary run.)
Read full analysis from WashingtonPost.com The Democrat debate was an interesting showing for the left, but nothing stood out and there were defiantly no overall winners. Some candidates like former Senator Gravel provided the entertainment for the evening. (Amazingly the former Alaskan Senator made Kucinich look moderate!)
The eight candidates showed a united front on many issues. They all are against the Iraq war, promising to end military operations in the region in a swift manner. (There were only minor differences on when to cut the funding.) All candidates are pro abortion. All eight Democrats hate President Bush and blamed all the bad things in the country on the current administration. (Yes it seemed to be incredibly enlightening rant from the Dems!)
There were clearly inconsistencies given by the candidates. Candidates, such as Clinton, backtracked on their position on Iraq. Dodd dismissed the continued job growth and America’s growing economy. Richardson attacked the administrations work in Darfur, even though the administration has been working since last year with the Sudanese government and the UN to help the people of Darfur. Obama stood firm on his position from not accepting money from lobbyist but continues to receive hundreds of contributions from law firms who house high powered lobbyist. Obama also touted his health care plan that he has yet to unveil.
What does the RNC say
Not surprisingly Hispanic related topics were either completely ignored or attacked. They attacked Gonzlaes, asking with Richardson had not asked for the Attorney Generals dismissal earlier. Immigration was not discussed, neither was the Hispanic population in general. Nothing substantive about small business, education, or taxes was debated, though Cuba was quickly discussed by Richardson, about looking towards democracy on the island.
In conclusion, the Democrat candidates seemed pretty equal with little difference between each candidate to another. They proved they were pushing the Dem agenda to the left. There were no winners, no automatic Presidential nominees and no big range of ideas.
Our favorite line in the debate was in post interviews of the candidates. Chris Matthews asked Gravel "Where have you been for 35 years sir?", Gravel in a very animated rant said, “I have been hiding under a rock!”
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