Here is a quick update on the immigration debate occurring in the Senate, brought to you by the office of Republican Leader McConnell. Also read this great article on Immigration and Welfare published in the Wall Street Journal (
In the News:
- - Immigration Bill Survives Challenges
- - Immigration Bill Would Favor Democrats
- - Republican Mired By Immigration Debate: “
- - Hispanics Overlooked in the Republican Primary
- - The McCain Romney Battle Continues
- - The Ys and Zs on Immigration
Senate Debate:
As you may know yesterday was a full day of debate and votes on the Today the Immigration Bill. Today the Senate will again discuss the legislation. There will be no roll call votes on Friday, but it will be possible for amendments to be offered to the bill. Keep in mind the bill will be on the floor the week of June 4th after the Memorial Day recess.
Below is a breakdown of Thursday’s action on amendments.
Roll Call Votes (5)
- Akaka #1186 (exempt children of certain Filipino WW II Vets) passed 86-10
- Coleman #1158 (sanctuary cities) defeated 48-49
- Dorgan #1181 (sun setting Title IV) defeated 48-49
- Sanders #1223 (scholarship program) passed 59-35
- Vitter #1157 (strike Title VI) defeated 29-56
Amendments adopted by voice vote (1)
- McCain #1190 (back taxes)
Amendments currently pending to the bill (10)
- * Grassley #1166 (visa revocation)
- * Cornyn #1184 (bar criminals, terrorist, and other criminals)
- * McConnell #1170 (voter ID)
- * Feingold #1176 (study on treatment of WW II refugees)
- * Sessions #1234 (limitation on claiming earned income tax credit)
- * Sessions #1235 (5 yr limitation on claiming earned income tax credit)
- * Durbin #1231 (ensure employers make efforts to recruit American workers)
- * Dodd #1199 (green cards for parents of US citizens)
- * Menendez #1194 (family backlog deadlines)
- * Lieberman #1191 (asylum and detention standards)’
To review, on Wednesday the Senate approved the following amendments
Roll Call votes on amendments
- Bingaman #1169 (reducing the guest worker program) was agreed to by a vote of 74-24
Amendments adopted by a voice vote
- Feinstein #1146 – protection of unaccompanied alien children
- Graham #1173 – mandatory minimums on aliens who re-enter after removal
- Gregg #1172 – enhanced triggers
- Leahy #1165 – dairy workers
- Hutchison #1168 – location of border fencing