Monday, July 2, 2007

Libby Pardoned

Today President Bush pardoned Scotter Libby.

Many wondered if he would do so as there were many political complications attached to a pardon.

If he pardoned Libby, who has been a dedicated servant to the President, he would be further tied to the case and accused of going back on his word. The President might loose more support.

If he didn't pardon Libby , many would see Bush as letting Libby take all the heat, and ruining his life, for something that wasn't entirely his fault. Clearly the President, at this point, has little too loose. He has always been a loyalist and now when his man is down, he wasn't going to let Libby sit in jail for years to come.

from Drudge:
Bush Spares Libby From Prison...
Grant of Executive Clemency...
Statement by President...
Fred Thompson: 'I am very happy for Scooter Libby'...
Statement From Libby's Attorney...
FLASHBACK: List of Clinton Pardons...

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