Tuesday, May 15, 2007

"Bloomberg is H. Ross Perot on steroids,"

The political saints looking over the state of New York must be having a field day as another of the state's politicians is considering of throwing in his hat for the race to the White House.

New York City Mayor, Micheal Bloomberg, is getting ready to run as a third-party presidential candidate and is prepared to spend $1 BILLION of his own personal fortune of $5.5 billion.
"Bloomberg is H. Ross Perot on steroids," said former Federal Election Commission Chairman Michael Toner. "He could turn the political landscape of this election upside down, spend as much money as he wanted and proceed directly to the general election. He would have resources to hire an army of petition-gatherers in those states where thousands of petitions are required to qualify a third-party presidential candidate to be on the ballot."
Bloomberg is a social liberal and fiscal conservative, who has recently topped polls in New York with high numbers then Giuliani.

The Virginia Democratic Party Chair, Paul Gold Man, said:
"If the Republicans nominate someone the press can tag as a pro-war social conservative and the Democrats pick an anti-war liberal, Bloomberg will run up the center," Mr. Goldman said. "If conservatives don't rally to stop Giuliani they will get a third party socially conservative candidate who will only help elect the Democrat."

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