Friday, April 13, 2007

Hispanic Lobbyist Join Forces

A groups of prominent Hispanic Lobbyist have join forces --- in the hopes they will find strength in numbers and grow those numbers.

The group of 60 created the Hispanic Lobbyists Association, its goal is to increase networking opportunities and providing mentoring for young Latino up-and-comers.

According the the Cox News article:

Estuardo V. Rodriguez, a lobbyist for the Raben Group and president of the association, said that it hopes to mentor young talent and encourage offices on Capitol Hill to hire more Hispanics who could later move into lobbying. Traditionally, Hispanics have been underrepresented in the industry, several lobbyists said. The Raben Group represents many corporations and non-profit groups including The Home Depot, General Electric Company, XM Satellite Radio, and the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic civil rights organization.

Rodriguez said the association plans to work with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and other groups to create "a pipeline of resumes" of people of Hispanic backgrounds to send to different committees and Hill offices. "That's where we are going to get our future dues paying members," he said.

The group plans to have an event on Capitol Hill on April 25.

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