Monday, June 25, 2007

Immigration Update

This week the bipartisan immigration reform bill, S.1639, will return to the Senate floor this week.

The Senate will reconvene today at 1:00 pm and first take up HR 800, The Employee Free Choice Act (Card Check Bill). Tomorrow at 11:30 AM the Senate will have two stacked votes in relation to Card Check Bill and the Immigration Bill. The first vote will be cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.800, (the Card Check Bill) and the second vote will be cloture on the motion to proceed to S.1639, the Immigration Bill.

The immigration bill will take up the rest of the Senate week with 20-30 amendments covering a variety of issues, including a guest worker program and provisions of the DREAM Act -- for indocumented students to receive in-state college tuition in the states from which they graduated high school.

The Senate leadership says it expects to hold a cloture vote tomorrow Tuesday to close debate on the bill and move toward a vote on final passage later in the week, mostly likely on Thursday.

The President continues to push immigration reform, dedicating his weekly radio address to the issue. In addition, Commerce Secretary Carlos GutiƩrrez participates today Monday at 2:15p Eastern time in an online Q & A session, "Ask the White House," where he will discuss the immigration reform bill. To participate, please visit:

Just a reminder that the Senate will be in recess next week over the 4th of July.

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